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We have farms in the countryside of São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil. Our farms are located in areas where climate and soil conditions are well suited to develop Pinus Elliotti where it generates its value chain.
Group AS Resinas works in a sustainable manner in accordance with legislation in all of its forests, with training, monitoring, and appreciation of the collaborators that maintain our forests. This management model guarantees that our plants are supplied with quality raw materials. It also guarantees that our active forests and local biodiversity are preserved.
By strategic design, in addition to having our own forests, the group also leases economically viable areas and buys Oleo Pine Resin from strategic partners, given that our plant is located in one of the largest hubs of pine resin production in Brazil.
To guarantee that all resins we receive at our factories meet our quality standards, resins are tested and classified in accordance with their characteristics.
Below are the steps of the silvicultural process from the cultivating saplings in nurseries to the transportation of Oleo Pine Resin to the plant.
The selection of the saplings that will form a forest is a decisive factor for the plant’s life - estimated at 20 years - and for the tree’s productivity. In prioritizing sustainable cultivation values and with an emphasis on the genetic improvement of the species, Grupo AS Resinas uses a nursery, equipped with modern infrastructure that adheres to the highest standards of quality.
To guarantee good results during harvest, our saplings are chosen from select plants. Seeds are extracted from an orchard of our own cloned seeds (PSC) and receive special care.
Seeds are sprouted in tubes for 10 days until they begin to germinate. After 4 months, they are transplanted and are ready to be planted at one of our farms.
After arriving at one of the company’s farms, the saplings are unloaded close to the location where they will be planted.
Rows, 3.0 x 3.5 meters apart from each other, reduce the risk of nutritional competition and allow adequate spacing for the productive development of the forest.
Pest control and diseases
During the phase in which the forests are formed, a period that lasts from planting until the tree reaches two years of age, trees are pruned and pest control measures are carried out.
To ensure that these rigid phytosanitary measures are effective, periodic inspections are carried out. These inspections are essential to give agricultural engineers and agricultural technicians the information they need to make correct decisions and, when necessary, recommend the best treatment at the adequate dose and, most importantly, at the right moment.
The chemical control of pests and disease is carried out by means of herbicides and fungicides. These chemicals are registered with the appropriate governmental agencies.
The cutting of the pine tree and collection of Oleo Pine Resin is carried out during the harvest period.
Selection of trees is a key factor in initiating the resin extraction process. Extracting resin too early damages the plant’s resin ducts and hinders the tree’s growth and development. Normally, individually selected trees have a minimum DBH of 18 centimeters.
The main tools used are: needle-nose pliers or a pick, standard pliers, resin scrapers, tubes or almotolias.
Using the appropriate tool, cuts that are deep enough to reach the tree’s wood without hurting it are made in order to expose the tree’s resin ducts. To produce gum, between 1 and 2.5 cuts are made per month, based on climatic variations. Generally, during winter months 1.5 cuts are made per month, whereas in warmer months the number increases to 2.5 cuts per month.
The application of a resin stimulating paste is another important factor that determines a tree’s productivity, as the paste activates the tree’s resin ducts and stimulates exudation. The paste must be applied uniformly to avoid waste.
The collected crude gum is stored in drums and transported to our plant.
When the plastic sack is 60% full, the Oleo Pine Resin harvest begins. This harvest must be carried out manually by removing the crude gum from the sack and placing it in collection buckets. As much as possible, excess water and impurities should be removed during this process. The crude gum from the collection buckets should be transferred to 200kg drums with the plastic sacks strategically spread out to minimize circulation.
Transportation farm-plant
After harvesting, drums containing the Oleo Pine Resin are transported via truck to the plant, where the classification and industrialization process begins.